- EngagEmEnt
- All attendees engage in respectful and consensual interactions at all times. Consent must be enthusiastic, ongoing, and mutual for all activities.
- COmmunICatIOn
- Communicate openly and honestly with all participants. Prior to engaging, seek explicit verbal or non-verbal consent from all parties involved.
- AssumptIOns
- No assumptions based on attire, appearance, or previous interactions. Always ask and receive affirmative consent before proceeding.
- REvOCabIlIty
- Consent can be withdrawn anytime during an activity. If someone indicates discomfort, respect their decision immediately and adjust your actions.
- BOundarIEs
- Everyone has personal boundaries that must be respected. Ask about and acknowledge any limitations or boundaries expressed by others.
- DIvErsIty
- Understand that people have diverse comfort levels, experience and backgrounds. Be open for learnings and respect others' unique perspectives.
- COnCErns
- If you witness or experience anything that violates this policy, promptly report it to the staff. We are here to ensure a safer environment for everyone.